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As we have completed a week in this new year, I would like to take a step back and review my week. It has been a great week, It was a roller coaster ride none the less. I mean the week/month/year started on a positive note, high in spirt (literally) and more so all the positive energy, the hope and determination of making a fresh start. A clean slate with all the new year resolutions, and to end the week with one excuse or another to make the change tomorrow.

Resolutions!  I casually asked a friend, what is your New Years resolutions? To achieve my last years resolutions, which were my resolutions from the year before that, he said jokingly. Unfortunately that is what resolution is today, a butt of a joke. We do take our resolutions seriously in the last week of year and procrastinate everything until January the first, saying I am letting my self go as these are the last few days I will be able to do this. Come new year and I will be sober as a judge. Each year we firmly believe new year’s eve has some magical power which will clean us up for good. We all have grown old enough to know that Santa Claus doesn’t exist, yet we still believe in magic of new year.

So than, how does one define the word Resolutions? We mistake the word ‘Resolution’ with the word ‘Solution’. We believe all our year long (unwanted) habits will disappear with this solution of resolution. Needless to say thats not how it works, and all our failed resolutions over the years are the proofs. I would like to think of Resolution as the ‘act of resolving the inner conflict’. We all have the constant inner conflict, the voice within. We all want to change, grow for better but that requires efforts and there is lazy inner me who hates efforts thats where the conflicts start.

Oxford dictionary defines resolution as ‘a firm decision to do or not to do something’,  A firm decision. Anthony Robbins in his book ‘Awaken the Giant within’ speaks of decision as the process of eliminating every other possibility. If I have decided to swim, I must eliminate every possibility of drowning one stoke at a time. Thats what we all have been doing all these years haven’t we, since we learned to swim. It is this simple principle that we need to apply to our every decision to make it firm.

I do realise I have overly simplified our life long struggles, but complex equations can only be solved by factoring (simplifying) them. I have my struggle with weight for as long as I know, I seek motivation everywhere. One such motivation I did like to mention is Robert ‘Brix’ Glover of Brix fitness, do watch his youtube channel to see what I mean. Brix lost 140 lbs over a period of time,It wasn’t in a day, It was no highway to fitness, he had his ups and downs, he had his road blocks and mountain to climb but nothing was more important to him than his decision. He didn’t wait for a new year to make a resolution.

Start wherever you are with whatever you have and make a fortune out of it (Author Unknown). Together lets  embark on journey of better you


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